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Watercolour paint Schmincke HORADAM 224 G3 Cadmium yellow light 1/2 pan

Watercolour paint Schmincke HORADAM 224 G3 Cadmium yellow light 1/2 pan

HORADAM® AQUARELL. Finest artists' water-colours. Many of the new artists' pigments have been researched and tested to comply with the highest quality standard regarding stability, fineness, resolubility and lightfastness. To achieve the outstanding characteristics, like reusable paint when dried on a palette and the high control of paint flow even on soft water-colour papers we only use the best raw materials. In its coloristic appearance the total assortment is particularly harmonious, balanced and complete.
On stock
Price up to now: 10,60 EUR
Unit price 8,49 EUR
Price includes VAT, shipping costs not included
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Available Product-No.: P001701
Up to now: 53,25 EUR
46,95 EUR
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